Q Radio news
An attempt was made to set fire to a vehicle outside the home of a relative of a director of Quinn Industrial Holdings (QIH) in Co Fermanagh at the weekend.
In a statement, a spokesman for QIH said arsonists attempted to burn the vehicle at a location outside Derrylin in the early hours of Saturday February 15.
The attempt was captured on CCTV and the PSNI is investigating.
The chief executive of QIH, Liam McCaffrey, said: "Following the savage kidnap and torture of Kevin Lunney last September this resumption of violence and intimidation is deeply concerning and shows that the perpetrators will stop at nothing until those directing their activities are brought to justice.
"We are enormously relieved that this further attack, again outside a domestic home, was contained without loss of life or serious damage."
In September, QIH director Kevin Lunney, 50, was abducted outside his home near Derrylin, Co Fermanagh, and taken to a horsebox across the border, where he was savagely beaten.
His attackers broke his leg, sliced his fingernails and face with a Stanley knife, carved QIH on his chest, and doused the father-of-six in bleach.
Four men were charged in 2019 with the abduction and false imprisonment of Mr Lunney.
Detective Inspector Michael Winters of the PSNI said police received the report at approximately 3am during the early hours of Saturday morning.
“There was also an attempt to set fire to two vehicles during the incident" he said.
“Thankfully, no injuries were reported and damage was minimal as a result of this reckless act.
"Enquiries are continuing, and we are working to establish a motive for this cowardly attack.
"If you were on the Belturbet Road prior to 3am, or afterwards, and noticed any unusual activity, including any vehicles being driven in a suspicious manner, call us."
IMAGE: Kevin Lunney spoke to the BBC after the attack