By Q Radio News
A new hub which will support the health and social care needs of homeless people is to be opened in Belfast.
The Department of Health has today published a report on improving access to health and social care services for people who are homeless.
It was compiled by a group led by Chief Medical Officer Dr Michael McBride, and this work led to the development of this innovative project.
The aim of the hub is to bring services out of the clinic setting and into the community and on to the streets, to wrap care around the people who need it most, where they need it.
This will include physical and mental health care and addictions services for those sleeping rough or in hostel accommodation.
The initiative will be managed by the Belfast HSC Trust and is part of ongoing work to transform Northern Ireland’s Health and Social Care system.
The Homeless Hub illustrates how health care transformation can make a real difference – enhancing care and making it more accessible, while also reducing reliance on hospital attendances.
Evidence from other areas has shown that this type of outreach service reduces the need for Emergency Department attendances and hospital admissions.
Homeless people suffer extreme health inequalities. Homeless people also face barriers in accessing mainstream health care services.
The pilot will run for an initial eighteen months with an investment of £225,000 from the Department of Health’s Transformation fund and will build upon the existing Belfast Trust homeless public health nursing service, and upon services provided by the voluntary sector.
Susan Semple Health Care Coordinator, Belfast Trust said: “This is a wonderful opportunity to have secured funding to transform health and social care services for societies most vulnerable population. In over twenty years this is the biggest investment we have ever received that will enable us to enhance service delivery, provide timely meaningful services and improve access to secondary and allied health care services. This new approach will ensure a future voice to advocate for the health needs of this population.”
You can watch a video of Susan explaning more here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5O-Kl5Sn9RA&feature=youtu.be
Dr Gillian Armstrong, Senior Medical Officer at the Department of Health said: “People experiencing homelessness have complex health and social care needs, but face real challenges in accessing services.
“This new Homeless Hub will deliver joined up services and care in the community, ensuring that homeless people can access care when and where they need it.
“This innovative initiative is being funded by the Department’s Transformation fund – ‘Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together’. This will increase access to health care and ultimately improve health outcomes for people experiencing homelessness."
Next month, a Homelessness and Health Symposium will take place covering a range of public health topics in relation to homeless.