Over three hundred thousand pounds has been given to the First Steps Womens Centre in Dungannon.
The money will renovate and expand their current premises.
It will create a number of new factialites including a permanent crèche and therapy rooms.
It's part of the Space & Place Programme - which provided 4.3 million pounds to organisations across Northern Ireland.
Michael Hughes Space & Place Co-Ordinator, said: “We are delighted to be awarding £4.3 million to communities across Northern Ireland in what will be the final round of Space and Place funding.
A number of projects have opened their doors having been funded in previous Space & Place rounds and we have already seen the positive impact new facilities are having in terms of better connecting people and communities.
“We now look forward to enabling more people to transform underused or neglected spaces in their communities through this final round of grants which will in turn also tackle a diverse range of issues including social isolation and lack of facilities in many areas,” said Michael.