By Peter Moor
The number of children needing foster care through Barnardo’s NI has risen by 37% during the coronavirus pandemic, while the number of people making enquiries to the charity to become foster carers, dropped by 25% compared to the same period last year.
Barnardo’s NI says this could create a crisis of its own, as children who may have experienced abuse and neglect wait for places with loving foster families. Without more potential foster carers coming forward, many children referred to the charity will not be placed with a family.
NI’s largest children’s charity believes that the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown has increased pressure on vulnerable families, with job losses, deepening poverty and worsening mental health, which can all lead to family breakdown.
Children have also been in lockdown in homes where domestic abuse and other forms of abuse are taking place.
At the same time Barnardo’s NI believes that the change in circumstances experienced by many because of COVID-19 and uncertainty about the future has resulted in a drop in enquiries being made to the charity from people looking to foster.
Head of Barnardo’s NI Michele Janes said:
“The Coronavirus pandemic has hit vulnerable families in Northern Ireland the hardest. This could create a crisis of it’s own as more children than ever need a safe and loving foster family, while fewer adults are coming forward as potential foster carers.
MIchele Janes
“If you have ever considered becoming a foster carer or would like to find out more information, please get in touch. If you do become a foster carer with us, we will support you every step of the way with training and a dedicated social worker. You’ll also receive financial support, including a carer’s allowance.
“If you’re over 21, have a spare room and the time and commitment to support a child in need, please do consider getting in touch today.”