By Q Radio News
A 31 year old male has been arrested on suspicion of a number of offences following the report of a hit and run, damage only collision in the Clonavogie Gardens area of West Belfast just after 6am this morning.
Inspector Andrew McConville explained, “Local officers responded to a report from a householder that their vehicle, which had been parked outside their property, had been struck by a small dark coloured car, which had then made off from the collision without stopping.
“Officers quickly located a damaged Toyota Yaris abandoned nearby in St James Gardens and arrested a 31 year old male who attempted to make off from police on foot. As officers conducted follow-up enquiries, it transpires the car had been stolen with keys, following the overnight burglary of a property in the Riverside Terrace area of the Lower Ormeau Road. The male, who has been arrested on suspicion of a number of motoring offences including driving while unfit, burglary and suspicion of drug possession, is currently helping with enquiries.
“This incident once again highlights the importance of contacting police straight away to either report an incident, or if you notice anything suspicious, or anyone acting suspiciously in your area. Always trust your instincts and contact police so we can respond.
“I would appeal if anyone saw anyone acting suspiciously in the Riverside Terrace or surrounding area in the early hours of this morning, or anyone who witnessed the blue Toyota Yaris collide with a parked car in Clonavogie Gardens, to please contact us on 101 quoting reference number 249 of 14 June 2021.
“A report can be made using the online reporting form via www.psni.police.uk/makeareport