by Gráinne Connolly
Michael Conlon from Belfast has been chosen to represent Northern Ireland in The Big Walk, an idea from the Eden Project, made possible by the National Lottery.
The Big Walk is designed to shine a light on the people at the heart of the UK's communities, who work together to benefit others every day.
The annual event sees four teams of walkers embarking on an epic journey to the four corners of the UK, visiting different projects and community groups along the way.
43 year old Michael has told Q Radio why he was so keen to get behind the project:
Michael will set off from Morecambe in Lancashire today as the teams of walkers head across Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales.
After a day's visit in the Isle of Man, his first stop in Northern Ireland will be in his home city on Friday, May 18th.
He'll visit projects including Peas Park, Womens Tec, the EastSide Partnership and the Duncairn Healthy Living Alliance.
After Belfast, the long distance walker will make his way around other parts of Northern Ireland where he'll meet community groups and take part in activities.
The Big Walk 2018 – Northern Ireland Community Stops:
16th May Morecambe
- Live launch of The Big Walk
17th May - Isle of Man
- Southern Community Initiatives – Men In Sheds
- Dalby Community Hub – visit to new community building
- Groudle Glen Railway – steam train ride, operated by volunteers
18th May - Belfast
- East Belfast Partnership - opening of Park Run
- Peas Park - public park, growing space and outdoor gallery
- WomensTec – taster workshop on wallpapering and electrics
- Duncairn Healthy Living Alliance
- Tropical Ravine – visit to newly restored attraction, staffed by volunteers
- Wildflower Alley and Horsey Hill
- Donegall Pass
- Eastside Partnership – Connswater Greenway
19th May - Bangor
- Bangor Community Kitchen
- Taster session on clay sculpting with woodland clay oven
20th May - Rest Day
21st May - Lisburn and Portadown
- Penny Square Market – coffee morning with community groups
- Regener8 Community Café
- Youth Football Academy at Hanover FC
22nd May - Armagh
- Volunteer Now - Armagh and Dungannon
- Dobbin Street Community Centre – mobile volunteering demonstration and thank you
23rd May - Fermanagh
- Common Ground NI - horticultural therapy and ecology on a farm
- The Escapists – carers’ group
- Row the Erne
24th May – Draperstown
- St Eoghan's Primary School – welcoming the walker!
25th May - Ballymoney
- CAN Team - visit to charity which helps people with Learning Disability, Autism & Mental Health issues
26th May - Rathlin Island
- The Big Community Walk - part of Rathlin Sound Maritime Festival https://www.rathlinsoundmariti
mefestival.com/ Free to attend and everyone welcome!
27th May – Rest Day
28th May - Benone Beach and Derry~Londonderry
- Beach Clean - tie-in with topical plastics theme
- Rainbow Project - meet with LGBTQ young people
29th May - Keady, Clachan and Dromboughil
- Dromboughil Community Association - art class for senior citizens
- Ceili, storytelling and music to bring groups in area together
30th May - Garvagh
- Garvagh Forest School – young people and adults, connecting through nature
31st May - Bellaghy
- Seamus Heaney HomePlace
1st June - Antrim - Details to be confirmed
2nd June - Details to be confirmed
3rd June - Belfast Homecoming!
- Michael's homecoming and Big Lunch celebrations hosted by local community