Hundreds of people are expected to turn out for the annual ‘Walk of Hope’.
It takes place in Cookstown on Sunday, 27 November. The walk will conclude with a Service of Hope in the town centre at 5pm.
The aim of the walk is to raise awareness of suicide.
The event is now in its third year.
It's organised by the Mid Ulster clergy forum, the Beacon Centre and groups working in mental health and suicide prevention. The event is supported by the Council’s Good Relations programme.
Speaking about the walk, the Deputy Chair of the Council, Councillor Sharon McAleer, says too many people in our community have personally experienced the excruciating impact of suicide.
"The effect it has on those left behind is devastating. Events like the Walk of Hope allow the whole community to unite to raise awareness of the help and support that exists for those who feel their situation and their lives are utterly hopeless," she says.
The service will include a personal story by Dr Leonard McCammon and music by Cookstown Folk Club and The Bridge Singers.
It begins at 4.15pm at the car park of Holy Trinity College, Cookstown and ends at the Christmas tree in James Street. You can bring along your own candle or symbol of hope and join in the walk
For more information contact Sean McElhatton, Good Relations Officer, Mid Ulster District Council on 028 8676 4714 or email sean.mcelhatton@midulstercouncil.org