by Q Radio News
The Policing Board has recommended that the PSNI stop using spit hoods.
The controversial equipment has been used during the pandemic - in attempts to stop suspects spitting and coughing at officers.
However, this new report titled, “Review of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Response to Covid 19”, has considered their compatibility with human rights legislation.
Patrick Corrigan from Amnesty International has called spit hoods - cruel and degrading.
“In key respects, the PSNI has failed to police the pandemic safely and fairly," he said.
“The Policing Board recommendations echo our calls to the PSNI leadership months ago, calls which regrettably went unheeded.
“Placing a hood over someone’s head is a significant use of force and one that raises key concerns over cruel and degrading treatment, as well as serious potential health risks. There is insufficient medical and scientific data concerning the actual risk to officers from spitting, and whether the use of such devices is proportionate and necessary.
“The Chief Constable rushed to deploy spit hoods without evidence that they are effective in preventing the transmission of Covid-19. Spit hoods must be withdrawn from use in Northern Ireland immediately.
The Chief Constable says the PSNI will now consider the findings of the reports.