by Gráinne Connolly
Local people are being invited to give their final views on a proposed £2.75 million public realm scheme in Coalisland, as Mid Ulster District Council prepares to move the project to the next stage.
Initial designs for the scheme, which includes plans for new footways and parking and loading bays, stone kerbing, street furniture and tree planting, as well as improved lighting and drainage, have been fine-tuned since a period of public consultation at the end of last year, and further technical assessments have also been completed.
The Council is now in a position to submit a funding application to the Department for Communities (DfC), and ahead of the submission, the final details of 2 options have been published, including traffic modelling videos which show how proposed one-way traffic flows would operate in the town if adopted for Main Street and The Square.
The information is available to view online, while local people and businesses can also attend information sessions being held in the Cornmill Heritage Centre on Thursday 3 May from 12.30pm to 1.30pm and at 5.30pm.
To view the public realm design options, including traffic modelling of the potential one-way system, visit www.midulstercouncil.org/coalislandpublicrealm.
The completed scheme will extend across Coalisland town centre, encompassing works to the Square, Main Street, Lineside, Dungannon Road, Stewartstown Road, Barrack Street, Barrack Square, Station Road and Washingbay Road.
The main objectives of the scheme are to:
- Create a safe, high-quality pedestrian friendly environment
- Improve accessibility for pedestrians and vehicles
- Have free flowing traffic with structured car parking.