by Gráinne Connolly
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust has launched a consultation on a new home delivery service for people who use simple aids to assist with daily living.
Simple aids for everyday living include small aids and appliances that help people with restricted mobility - such as a rail by the bed or bath, a raised toilet seat or commode.
The Trust’s proposed new model applies to small aids and appliances.
Currently clients who need these items are given a voucher once they are assessed by a District Nurse, Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist, which they bring to a Pharmacy or Retailer to redeem their equipment.
The client is then responsible for disposal when they longer need the item.
The proposed new model will include delivery to the clients own home, collection of the equipment when no longer required, decontamination, recycling and replacement if required.
The Southern area is the only Trust in Northern Ireland to not yet offer a home delivery service.
Commenting on the proposal, Interim Director of Older People and Primary Care Melanie McClements said:
“With an increasing older population and many people living longer with conditions who require our support, it is essential that we adapt and continually improve the way we deliver our services, ensuring that we remain responsive to our clients whilst at the same time making the best use of our financial resources.
“While the new model will be more cost effective for the Trust, more importantly we hope that it will be more convenient for and responsive to our clients’ needs.
“We encourage anyone who has used or currently uses community equipment, their carers or anyone else who has an interest in our services to read the Consultation documents and share their feedback with us.”
The consultation continues until Monday 30th April at 5pm.
Documents are available on the Trust website http://www.southerntrust.hscni.net/about/consultations.htm or to request a hard copy or alternative formats (e.g. Braille, disk, audio cassette, or translated) contact: Tel: 028 3756 4151 Email: equality.unit@southerntrust.hscni.net