by Q Radio News
Earlier this week, a loyalist poster commemorating UVF killer Wesley Somerville, was allegedly stolen from Moygashel.
(Loyalist banners commemorating Wesley Sommerville (UDR member) and "fallen" UVF members in Moygashel)
At the moment, the situation is being dealt with the PSNI and they're appealing for any information that may help with the investigation.
Q Radio has been speaking to The Chair of Mid-Ulster District Council, Kim Ashton, about the ongoing loyalist and republican flags and billboards furore.
She feels that the issue is constant, particularly in the Dungannon area.
Councillor Ashton said that loyalist communities feel as if it's "one rule for them and one rule for the others" regarding the removal of paramilitary flags and billboards.
However, she went on to say that nationalist Councillors also come to her with the issue of loyalist flags and commemorations in the area.
This ongoing matter has prompted calls for the removal of all billboards, whether it's republican or loyalist.
"You cannot have a situation where there's call for one side of the community and the other side of the community's allowed to do as they please.
"If the issue of paramilitary is going to be resolved, it has to be resolved on both sides of the community".
However, while Councillor Ashton also mentioned that she's against all paramilitary organisation, republican or loyalist, she feels as if there's a constant attack on the loyalist community.
"I must stress that I'm against all paramilitary organisations, republican or loyalist but what I think is very unfair is we constantly have this attack especially on the loyalist community and trying to be bring down loyalist areas, just really to get headlines."