By Michael McHugh, PA
Cross-border travel decreased by nearly a quarter last weekend, gardai have said.
The force continues to find groups gathering – including for house parties, social occasions and exercise – in breach of coronavirus regulations.
A Garda statement said: “Recent surveys have shown that the majority of people believe that they are doing the right thing, but the reality is that the level of casual contacts remains high.
“An Garda Siochana will be continuing nationwide checkpoints and high-visibility patrols at public amenities across the country this weekend in support of public-health regulations.”
Regulations and guidelines are still to stay at home and reduce contacts, and only exercise within five kilometres of home.
Fines of 100 euro for non-essential cross-border travel in Ireland came into operation on February 8.
Gardai said: “Traffic data over last weekend showed approximately a 23% decrease in cross-border travel compared to previous weekends.”
The force has issued approximately 7,950 Covid-19 fines across the range of breaches.
They include:
– Non-essential travel;
– Non-essential journeys to air or sea ports;
– Organising or attending a house party;
– Not wearing a face covering.
Deputy commissioner John Twomey said: “This week the tragic milestone of 4,000 Covid-19 deaths was reached.
“That is 4,000 people that were loved.
“That is 4,000 people that had family, friends and neighbours.
“That is 4,000 of our fellow citizens.”
While the vast majority of people are heeding the advice, there are still some who are not complying with public health regulations, he added.
“In doing so, they are putting themselves, those they love and those they know at risk of catching of a virus that could, unfortunately, result in serious illness or death.”