by Gráinne Connolly
Councillor Clement Cuthbertson is calling for Mid-Ulster District Council to amend its policy on flying the union flag on its buildings.
He wants to make a change to accommodate occasions of national importance, so that it would be in line with other local authorities across the UK.
Here's notice of Motion 16, Consideration of Motion 16.1 that's on the next council meetings agenda:
"Councillor Cuthbertson to move "That Mid-Ulster District Council amend their current policy, which prevents the flying of
the Union Flag on Council Buildings, in order to accommodate occasions when the Union Flag should be flown in
conjunction with other local authorities across the United Kingdown, in instances of National significance and in order to
show support and respect to victims of terrorism and other significant atrocities."
He'll table the motion tomorrow evening (Thursday 22 June) at the Mid-Ulster District Council meeting.