A Professor has been appointed to look at a common transfer test in Northern Ireland.
Pete Tymms from Durham University is leading the initiative to find a single assessment for academic selection here.
There are currently two separate exams for children applying to most grammar schools.
The Education Minister wants to find a single format.
Peter Weir told Q radio news it doesn't mean that every 10 or 11 year old will have to sit the test.
"I'm not particularly looking at a single state transfer test, partly because it wouldn't be agreed.
"I'm not about forcing people but if there is broad acceptance that there is to be a test for the foreseeable future, that should be in done in away that eases pressure as much as possible." the DUP Minister added.
The Catholic Maintained sector announced some grammar schools will not use academic selection for their intake.
The old 11-plus exam was scrapped in 2008 by Sinn Fein's Caitriona Ruane who was the Education Minister at the time.
The current Minister took steps to reverse that decision earlier this year by allowing primary schools to prepare pupils for the exams.
The DUP and Sinn Fein currently have different policies on the initiative.
"There has been different views on this for 30 or 40 years. I'm not going to get involved in some sort of trench warfare to try and convert each other to the points of view. That would be a waste of time." said Minister Peter Weir.
Mr Weir said he wants to see things move as quickly as possibly.
"In an ideal world I would like to see this implemented for next year's tests" he added.