by Q Radio News
Family and friends of journalist Lyra McKee have gathered in Derry/Londonderry to mark one month since her murder.
The 29-year-old from Belfast was shot dead while covering riots in the Creggan area.
The new IRA has claimed responsibility for the killing.
A months mind mass was held at St. Mary's Church last night, which was led by Father Joe Gormley.
Speaking to Q Radio, he says the people of Creggan are still angry about what happened to Lyra, however, they must use that anger in a "constructive" way.
Fr. Joe Gormley has spoken to QRadio one month after the death of #LyraMcKee. He has called for those responsible to take a “huge step forward” and by doing so they could aid the peace process in Northern Ireland. pic.twitter.com/rtp5hmHh5O
— Q Radio News (@qnewsdesk) May 18, 2019
One month after death of journalist #LyraMcKee - parishioners of Creggan and other locals remember Lyra at a mass in St. Mary’s Church. Mass celebrated by Fr. Gormley, who administered the last rites to Lyra on the night she died in #DerryLondonderry pic.twitter.com/HTIgwlzw2Z
— Q Radio News (@qnewsdesk) May 17, 2019
Following the mass, crowds gathered at the peace flame near the city's Guildhall where a minute's silence was held for Lyra.
Friends and family of #LyraMcKee have also gathered tonight a month after her death at the peace flame in #DerryLondonderry - a minute silence was held in respect to Lyra. pic.twitter.com/baVuKZe3fY
— Q Radio News (@qnewsdesk) May 17, 2019
Organisers of the event brought small paper hearts for people to write messages on, which were then placed on a tree there.
The friends and family including the partner of #LyraMcKee have attended a peace vigil and remembrance of Lyra one month after she died in #DerryLondonderry on Friday evening. #LoveForLyra pic.twitter.com/9vDF8AITQ6
— Q Radio News (@qnewsdesk) May 18, 2019
Meanwhile, Lyra's partner Sara will be speaking at a rally in Belfast later today for marriage equality.
Sara Canning will tell the crowd what she said at her girlfriend's funeral; that Theresa May should legislate equal marriage from Westminster, due to the non-functioning government at Stormont.
The legislation would bring Northern Ireland into line with the rest of the UK.