by Q Radio News
The Stormont Executive is expected to meet later to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions in Northern Ireland.
A four week 'circuit-breaker' was imposed by Ministers last month, in a bid to curb the increasing spread of the virus.
The closure of schools for two weeks also formed part of the restrictions, with pupils returning this week.
The hospitality sector and close contact services are hoping to get the go ahead, to re-open their doors in just over a weeks time.
However, there still seems to be a large amount of uncertainty as to whether that will happen, with the Deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill saying the current restrictions need to be reviewed.
Deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill MLA
Her comments come as senior doctors have urged caution, saying the reopening of the hospitality sector as planned, would be a big mistake.
The Chief Medical Officer, Dr Michael McBride, has warned it wouldn't be possible for the R rate to remain below one in Northern Ireland, if the industry remained open alongside schools.
It comes after Chair of the British Medical Association in Northern ireland, Dr Tom Black warned against reopening businesses and called for a second lockdown here.
However many struggling businesses in the hospitality sector are hoping to get the green light for re-opening later on Thursday, for a last ditch attempt at making money in the run up to Christmas.
10 more Coronavirus related deaths were announced by the Department of Health on Wednesday with 679 new cases also confirmed.