By David Hunter
Four weeks after Jack Glenn tragically went missing in Londonderry his family has renewed appeals for volunteers to help them.
The 23 year old entered the River Foyle in February although his remains have yet to be found.
Search and rescue crews from Derry and as far away as the Mournes have been involved in daily searches for the popular sportsman.
Volunteers have also been scanning the river banks at co-ordinated times departing from the Foyle bridge.
Jacks father, Colin says the tidal movements are making it more difficult as low tide is often in the early hours of the morning.
"Numbers are dwindeling, but that's understandable." Colin said.
"People have jobs and their own lives to keep up but it would be great if we could get a few more people out for the late searches."
He continued "Day searches are fine, there's always plenty about and people can join in for an hour or two as and when they can but the night time is the difficult one now."
Colin also reflected on the time which has passed since jack went missing.
"The public support has been absolutely fantastic. For people to show up and come out to help us search is amazing."
"Anything we have asked for, it has just appeared and the people dont ask questions or ask for anything in return. I just can't say thank you enough."
Can you please RT the updated signposting card #ItsOkNotToBeOk #itsgoodtotalk pic.twitter.com/l0kmdcfLPu
— Foyle Search& Rescue (@Foylerescue) February 3, 2017
No formal service was held to mark today's event although the family have held regular candle light vigils at "Camp Jacko" - the site of the searches at the Foyle Bridge.
Mr.Glenn said "it's quiet here at the minute, it's high tide. You can't really do a lot other than watch the water.
"7.15 this morning, I did just take a wee moment to myself at the bridge here but i'm just watching the water waiting for Jack to appear.
"It's like looking for a needle in a hay stack and that's the Gods honest truth."