by Gráinne Connolly
More than 150 people from local community and voluntary sectors in the lower Sperrins plateau attended 8 community venues situated between Mid Ulster District Council and Fermanagh and Omagh District about the new initiative "The Heart of Ancient Ulster Landscape Partnership Scheme."
The scheme was created with Heritage Lottery Funding to conserve and protect the prehistoric landscape of the lower Sperrins and reconnect the local community to its unique natural, built and cultural heritage.
According to the Moira O'Rourke, development officer, 'genuine interest' was shown by those who attended the events organised by the two councils.
She said:
“I would like to thank those people who attended the various events and I am delighted to say there is a real genuine interest in heritage locally and those I have met and spoken with welcome the challenge that lies ahead and realise the change it will make to their lives.
“The enthusiasm and energy was overwhelming and the audience engaged well in discussions and ideas for projects which was positive and encouraging.
“I look forward to working with community groups and individuals over the next few months in developing potential built, natural and cultural heritage projects for the next stage of the process.”
The deadline to submit expression of interest forms is Friday 23rd March 2018. Forms can be downloaded from Mid Ulster District Council or Fermanagh and Omagh District Council websites.
Over the last decade, HLF’s Landscape Partnership programme has provided £221million across the UK.
The programme helps to forge new partnerships between public and community bodies, ensuring people are better equipped to understand and tackle the needs of their local landscapes. Grants range from £100,000 to £3million.