Ninety five people from Mid-Ulster have been helped into work through a new programme.
Step Up to Sustainable Employment helps those who are jobless to secure employment with local businesses.
The participants have entered employment in food processing, retail, health and social care and transportation and engineering.
The programme will be operating until March 2018.
It's run by Mid Ulster District Council in partnership with South West College, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) and the Northern and Southern Health & Social Care Trusts.
The programme provides a unique mix of work placement, qualifications and mentoring support to assist participants to meet their goals.
Over the course of three years, the programme is required to support 758 participants, 349 of whom have already been recruited. Already 27% of participants have secured employment with 29% progressing into further education and training.
Mrs Maria Hackett, Head of Department at South West College says they're delighted to be delivering the SUSE+ programme in partnership with Mid Ulster Council.
"The programme impacts are life changing for the participants and we look forward to continuing this partnership approach.”