By Q Radio News
A DUP MLA has called for the SDLP Infrastructure Minister to make a statement to the Northern Ireland later today on Monday on the funding situation in regards to Belfast International Airport.
The calls from the South Antrim representative Trevor Clarke comes airport bosses announced that the airport would be closing across numerous periods during November when flights were not operating, due to enhanced COVID-19 restrictions across the UK.
Trevor Clarke
“As the aviation sector across the world has been battered by COVID-19, Belfast International Airport has reduced opening hours to cut costs and keep trading yet the Department for Infrastructure has failed to step up and support one of the biggest employers in my constituency.
Belfast International Airport is the largest airport in Northern Ireland yet millions of pounds have been agreed by DfI for the City of Derry Airport and not a single penny has been allocated by that Department to the BIA."
The DfI Minister must make a statement to the Assembly and explain what strategy she has in place to treat all airports fairly and help them through this pandemic,"
Last week,the Minister, Nichola Mallon announced £1.23million in additional support for City of Derry Airport, to help it remain operational throughout the pandemic.
Nichola Mallon
Speaking at the time of the funding announcement Minister Mallon said: “Our airports connect people and places and their importance in these times of restricted movement must be maintained.