by Q Radio News
Kilroot power station near Carrickfergus, which was facing closure, has been thrown a lifeline for another 12 months.
Yesterday it was revealed more than 80 people were being made redundant at both Kilroot and Ballylumford.
It's operator AES has granted Kilroot another one year contract to operate on the site, however it seems workers at Ballylumford near Islandmagee haven't been so lucky.
According to the MP for East Antrim, 85 jobs are to go:
Meanwhile, Davey Thompson from Unite the Union described the news as a "bitter sweet pill to swallow":
Serhiy Zuyev, President of AES UK & Ireland said, "The portfolio restructuring at AES in Northern Ireland will have an impact on the organisation structure across both Ballylumford and Kilroot plants.
"Management will immediately enter into consultation with Union Representatives on how that process will be managed to mitigate compulsory redundancies where possible.
"I would like to thank our people, contractors and suppliers for their patience, diligence and continued commitment as we continue to operate Kilroot and Ballylumford, securing safe and reliable energy for the people of Northern Ireland and supporting the local economy”
After transferring the capacity from Ballylumford to Kilroot and having received a derogation from the Utility Regulator enabling AES to close the units before the required three-year notice period, AES will start the process of closure of units B4 and B5 at Ballylumford Power Station.