by Gráinne Connolly
The Public Health Agency (PHA) is to hold a number of staheholder engagement events over the next two weeks throughout all Health and Social Care Trust areas in Northern Ireland.
These will inform the future procurement of services to implement the pending 'Protect Life 2' suicide prevention strategy.
Fiona Teague, Health Improvement Manager with the PHA said it's important that people have their say on the important, emotive issue and that local people attend one of the events:
The PHA plans to gather the views and expertise of as many people and communities as possible, especially service providers, service users, family members and anyone with an interest in the area of suicide prevention.
People will also have the opportunity to input into discussions online at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ProtectLife2
Service models discussed at this stage of stakeholder engagement will only be taken forward to phase 2 when there is ministerial approval for the new strategy.
The PHA has set out a proposed timeline for the procurement of services funded under the Protect Life 2 strategy, which would result in new services being in place for the beginning of the 2019/20 financial year.
The workshops will take place at the following locations, and booking is essential:
Western Health and Social Care Trust area
Silverbirch Hotel, 5 Gortin Road, Omagh, 21 March, 10.30am - 12.30pm
St Columb’s Park House, 4 Limavady Road, Derry/ Londonderry, 21 March 7pm - 9pm
Fermanagh House, Broadmeadow Place, Enniskillen, 29 March 10.30am-12.30pm
Northern Health and Social Care Trust area
Causeway Rural and Urban Network, 1 Brook Street, Coleraine, 22 March, 10.30am - 12.30pm
Dunsilly Hotel, 20 Dunsilly Rd, Antrim, 22 March, 7pm - 9pm
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust area
FARSET, 466 Springfield Road, Belfast, 26 March, 10.30am - 12.30pm
NICVA, 61 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast, 26 March, 7pm – 9pm
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust area
Trinity Community Venue, Ballymacoss Avenue, Knockmore Road, Lisburn,
27 March, 10.30am -12.30pm.
Castlewellan Regeneration Ltd, Lodge Building, 1 Dublin Road, Castlewellan,
27 March, 7pm - 9pm
Southern Health and Social Care Trust area - Events already held in Newry and Dungannon (13th March)
Anyone who wishes to attend one of these events is asked to register by email, providing their name, contact details and preferred venue/ time to Carrie.Crossan@hscni.net