by Gráinne Connolly
In the run up to Christmas week, householders are being warned of cold callers at their doors.
Chief Inspector Mervyn Seffen said:
"Not all are rogue traders - but some are. Unofficial traders can overcharge unsuspecting and often older householders for poor quality work or work that is never completed at all.
"Others may try to sell shoddy or over-priced goods, or attempt to trick their way into your house to commit a burglary.
"Most callers at your door will be genuine but someone could be trying to gain access to look around your property or charge you too much for bad or non-existent work."
People are being encouraged to report any activity that may raise suspicions, so police can be alerted to it and investigate to help deter criminals and reduce crime in the local area.
The Chief Inspector also said:
"You might have seen an unusual vehicle parked or travelling on a road in your area, or strangers calling at houses.
"Remember that these could well be criminals checking out what's on offer, and the level of security at people’s homes.
"Take a note of the vehicle registration number and a description of any vehicles that cause you any concern, and pass that information onto police by phoning 101."
A free quick check service is available to check if callers are genuine at 0800 013 12 90, and there is also 'No Cold Calling Zone' stickers available on request from local Crime Prevention Officers.
These can be retrieved by calling 101 or from the Police and Community Safety Partnership on 0300 0300 900.
If you have any concerns in relation to rogue traders, current scams and how to avoid becoming a victim of a scam you can also visit the Scamwise NI website - www.nidirect.gov.uk/campaigns/scamwiseni