by Gráinne Connolly
Mid Ulster District Council is undertaking a significant piece of research to identify the current skills gap in Mid Ulster and to develop an action plan to address them.
It's industry led research, commissioned by the Mid Ulster Skills Forum, a partnership body made up of representatives from local businesses, colleges, universities, key sectoral business organisations and Mid Ulster District Council.
Mid Ulster is the most entrepreneurial region in Northern Ireland and the largest business base outside of Belfast Metropolitan Area.
Due to their aim to have a high performing and appropriately equipped workforce, a critical part of the research is to gather business' views on the existing and and future employability, qualifications and skills shortages and gaps faced by their businesses.
For the purposes of this research, the survey focuses solely on businesses based in the Mid Ulster District Council area.
To complete the survey go to: http://www.midulstercouncil.org/skillsgap
The closing date for responses is Thursday 12th October.