by Gráinne Connolly
Residents who have queries about planning issues can attend information sessions in Cookstown and Dungannon.
The council are aiming to make their planning service more accessible for everyone in Mid-Ulster.
The planning clinics will run every week but you must make an appointment in advance.
They'll run in the Cookstown office every Monday between 10.20am - 12 noon and the Dungannon office every Friday between 11am-1pm.
A Planning Officer will be there to provide information on various topics at each session, including applying for planning permission.
To make an appointment for one of the clinics you can contact the Planning Department on: 03000132132
or Email: planning@midulstercouncil.com
Without an appointment you will not be seen as a planning officer will not be on site.
It's also important to give some details of your query to the attending officer can prepare.