by Gráinne Connolly
A counsellor and therapist from Mid Ulster has launched a campaign 'Remove the Taboo'; which focuses on removing the stigma that surrounds ill mental health and wellbeing.
Padraic Devlin is trying to get across to people how important it is to look after your own mental care and health.
He's been telling Q Radio:
"A lot of us are willing and able to look after our physical health, it's something we enjoy doing.
"We enjoy going to the gym, we enjoy swimming, we enjoy doing all sorts of exercises and healthy eating.
"But when it comes to our mental health it seems to take a back step, it feels like it's just not as important.
"I think the reason for that is really the fear, around the fear of our mental health but it's just such a positive thing to talk about it."
Padraic says statistics prove that men are the least likely to talk about things, however as a result they suffer deep emotions that leads to anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.
For men it can sometimes be seen still as a "taboo subject" or a "weakness" to talk about your problems.
"In society we hear big boys don't cry and things like man up, and I think when we get these sort of labels it's almost seen as we grow up we have to be a certain way, otherwise we're not deemed to being a full male."
To mark World Mental Health Day today (10th October), Padraic took to his social media page 'Calmer Shores' to remind people not to suffer in silence:
As part of his campaign Padraic has also been providing presentations and talks for the likes of local Sports groups, Youth and Community groups etc. to reach out to people and help them realise that it's ok to speak out about mental health and that it must be treated the same as our physical health.
The Mid Ulster counsellor is offering his support for anyone who may need it and hopes to help 'Remove that Taboo' that still surrounds mental health today.
Padraic's facebook page has updates on some of the work he does for wellbeing and health, his campaign and also his details to book counselling/therapy sessions or presentations for community groups: https://www.facebook.com/calmershores/
Linked below is Q Radio's full interview with Padraic: