by Gráinne Connolly
Mid Ulster District Council is calling all aspiring entrepreneurs in the area to 'Go For It' by accessing free support through the new Northern Ireland Business Start Up Programme.
‘Go For It’ is a project that's part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund - under the Investment for Growth and Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) Programme, and local Councils.
The programme is delivered by a team of highly experienced business mentors to help individuals considering starting their own business to produce a Business Plan, one of the most important steps in starting up a company and transitioning into self-employment.
Tailored advice and training support are also provided through the scheme to individuals at this critical start-ip stage.
Mid Ulster resident Victoria Corr had an idea for a new fashion boutique and received support, guidance and a Business Plan to help her vision become a reality.
She's now delighted to have recently opened 'Bella Rosa', a fashion boutique in Ballygawley.
Victoria said:
“My business advisor was fantastic in shaping my business idea and getting me prepared to take the next step on my business start journey by developing my Business Plan. This is now my blue print of how I aim to grow my business over the next few years.”
Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, Councillor Kim Ashton met Victoria to congratulate her and welcomed the support for the Programme.
“Mid Ulster is the highest performing area in terms of entrepreneurial activity in Northern Ireland, and the Council is determined to ensure this position is sustained.
"I would encourage any aspiring entrepreneur to get involved in the programme, just like Victoria did, no matter what stage your idea is at. All it takes to start the process is a call to an Advisor or a visit to the ‘Go For It’ website to arrange a meeting!”
Enda Daly, Enterprise Manager, Workspace Enterprises (Mid Ulster Programme Co-ordinator) echoed this advice, adding,
“It is with the expertise and support of our advisors that a new business idea can become reality.
"The all-important first step in starting out on your own is testing out the idea with an expert advisor and creating a business plan – this is what ‘Go For It’ delivers.
"If you’re not sure whether going out on your own is right for you, get in touch with one of the ‘Go For It’ advisors – it’s free, independent and based on years of local experience; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”