By Q Radio News
A review has found over 17,000 children in Northern Ireland have been waiting over one year for a first Consultant Appointment in local hospitals.
It was revealed as the Children's Commissioner launched 'More than a Number - a Rights Based Review of Child Health Waiting lists'.
24 children also had to wait more than 12 months for a red flagged first consultant out-patient appointment which includes either suspected or confirmed cancers.
The review examined the number of children and young people on waiting lists and the length of time they wait to access first or review appointments with consultants, for treatment in hospitals and for community-based services.
It also assessed the impact waiting has on children and their families.
Commissioner Koulla Yiasouma says the report presents a concerning picture of the number and length of waits.
Children's Commissioner Koulla Yiasouma
Koulla said, “While the impact of waiting on a red flag or urgent appointment is clear, we know that delayed access to any specialist support, whether that be for autism diagnosis or support, CAMHS, physiotherapy or speech and language, can and does have a profound impact on a child’s health outcomes, emotional and mental wellbeing, educational attainment, relationships with family and friends and quality of life more broadly.”
“The stress and pressure on parents and carers as advocates for their child, experiencing delays in accessing healthcare is significant.
"A clear message from them was that communication, co-ordination and emotional and practical support is inadequate and needs to be improved.
"These are the most basic expectations of these services and are particularly important when waiting times are as long as they are.
"Therefore, I have recommended an interim regional waiting list management process for child health services be established while overall reform is on-going.”
The Review also highlights that, 1 in 5 children and young people in NI are waiting for a first or review outpatient appointment with a consultant.
It found that 17,194 children and young people were waiting over 1 year and 510 over 4 years for a first consultant out-patient appointment.
1 in every 47 children in NI with conditions that require surgery or procedure are waiting for an in-patient or day case appointment.
In April 2021, 62% (6092) were waiting over 1 year, and 197 over 4 years.
Koulla continued “While these hospital care statistics are shocking at least we get a clear picture. Worryingly, we have found a complete absence of regional monitoring or reporting of waiting times for community child health services which makes it impossible to get a clear understanding of the number of children waiting for these services..
"This review found that at least 26,818 (1 in 16) children in NI are waiting for a community-based health service and that figure is likely to be much higher given the limited data that was available.”
Health Minister Robin Swann said: “I welcome the review of Child Health Waiting Lists in Northern Ireland carried out by the Commissioner for Children and Young People. Waiting times were clearly unacceptable prior to COVID-19 and have been exacerbated by the devastating impact of the pandemic across all aspects of service provision including, unfortunately, across children’s services.
“The data in relation to paediatric red flags referred to in the NICCY report was correct as of April 2021.
“Based on September monitoring information there are no red flag paediatric patients waiting more than 52 weeks.
“Addressing waiting lists remains a top priority for me however it will require systemic change and long term investment.”
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