By PA reporter
MPs have approved abortion regulations opposed by the Stormont Assembly by 253 votes to 136, majority 117.
It means the regulations have been approved by both the Commons and the Lords.
DUP MP Gregory Campbell has raised concerns that there was no attempt to check his identity during the deferred vote on the abortion regulations in Northern Ireland which people "feel very strongly" about.
Mr Campbell said: "Today we have engaged and some of us have already cast our vote in the deferred division process. But Madame Deputy Speaker, I discovered that much to my annoyance, there was no attempt by anyone to ascertain my identity as I actually voted.
"I cast a vote in the members' library with a deferred vision slip but there was no personnel present to establish that I was who I said I was and I see no other identification other than a signature on the deferred list.
"Is that the process and is it appropriate that that is how we should vote in the division lobby?"
Deputy Speaker Dame Eleanor Laing replied: "Yes. Mr Campbell's signature, which is unique and is recorded here in the House because he will have at some point put his signature in a book in front of the clerks when he swore in at the beginning of this session of Parliament... he will have gone out there and given his signature.
"His signature on that deferred division form is his form of identity."