by Gráinne Connolly
A new disability hub has been opened at Mid Ulster Sports Arena in Cookstown.
The £500,000 project has been delivered in all 11 council areas as part of the Active Living: No Limits 2021 Action Plan to improve the health and wellbeing of people living with disabilities in Northern Ireland.
The hub will provide a range of sports equipment including wheelchairs, inclusive bikes and inclusive sports equipment that will enable both adults and children with disabilities to participate in at last 14 sports and activities.
These include wheelchair sports, sensory sports (partially-sighted football etc.), Boccia and inclusive cycling.
(Members of Cookstown Superstars trying out the new equipment at the disability hub)
As well as raising the visibility of disability sport and increasing interest among the whole community, the initiative primarily aims to increase the number of people with disabilities who live active and healthy lifestyles through sport and active recreation.
Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, Councillor Kim Ashton welcomed the opening of the Mid Ulster Disability Sports hub saying:
"Disability Sports Hubs provide a fantastic opportunity for people with all different types of impairments to get into sport.
"As part of delivering for our people within our district, we want to make sport accessible to everyone and this new Disability Sports Hub at Mid Ulster Sports Arena will make a huge difference in achieving that aim."
At the recent launch in Belfast, Kevin O'Neill, Disability Sport NI's Chief Executive said:
"The establishment of a Disability Sports Hub in all eleven of our District Council areas, including Mid Ulster is a real game changer for people with disabilities here.
"Disabled people are currently half as likely to participate in sport as non-disabled people and this initiative will make a huge difference in helping us get more people with disabilities active in every area of Northern Ireland."
Sport Northern Ireland Chair, George Lucas added to that saying:
"Sport Northern Ireland warmly welcomes the launch of the new District Council Disability Sports Hubs.
"These hubs will help support local people with disabilities to enjoy all the physical, mental and social benefits of participation in sport and physical activity.
"We look forward to continuing to work with Disability Sport NI, the Department for Communities and our other partners, to implement the Active Living: No Limits Action Plan and deliver positive change to the social, recreational and sporting lives of people with disabilities across Northern Ireland.”
Disability Sport NI and Mid Ulster District Council will also develop and implement a two year plan from 2017-2019 to encourage and support people with different disabilities to participate in sport and active recreation through the Disability Sports Hub.