By Q Radio News
A large poultry flock is to be culled in County Antrim following an outbreak of bird flu.
It's understood up to 30,000 birds are to be destroyed as a precautionary measure at the farm near Clough which rears young hens for egg production.
Temporary movement restrictions in 3km and 10km protection zones around the affected site have been set up with potential trade implications for other poultry farms in the area.
Northern Ireland’s Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) Dr Robert Huey says the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) was contacted on New Year’s Eve by a Private Veterinary Practitioner (PVP) about the outbreak.
"Since then we have taken samples and initial results from AFBI suggest that notifiable Avian Influenza (AI) is present.
"We are now awaiting official confirmation from the National Reference Laboratory to determine pathogenicity and strain of the disease.
“Given the level of suspicion and the density of the poultry population around the holding, it is vital that as a matter of precaution, we act now and act fast. I have therefore taken the decision to cull the birds as well as introduce temporary control zones around the holding in an effort to protect our poultry industry and stop the spread of the virus."
An epidemiological investigation is now underway to determine the likely source of infection and determine the risk of the disease spreading.
Eight positive cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N8 have now been confirmed in wild birds in Northern Ireland across five different locations.
It follows recent detections in wild birds, poultry and captive birds across Great Britain and in the Republic of Ireland.
An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) has been in place across NI from December 1 to enhance biosecurity measures and a mandatory housing order has been in place since December 23.
Dr Huey the actions taken to date have helped to protect commercial flocks here from wild birds.
"This incursion of suspected notifiable AI, however, reminds us all of how critically important it is to be vigilant and take all necessary steps required to prevent the further spread of AI in Northern Ireland," he added.
"I urge all bird keepers to critically review their biosecurity measures and remind them that birds are now legally required to be housed or otherwise kept separate from wild birds."
A biosecurity - self assessment tool is available on the DAERA website to assist all bird keepers in complying with the new rules.
Anyone who suspects an animal may be affected by a notifiable disease must, by law, report it to their local DAERA Direct Office.
The advice from public health officials is that the risk to public health from these strains of Avian Influenza is very low.
The Food Standards Agency advises that Avian Influenza poses a very low food safety risk.