By Adam Evans
Belfast International Airport has asked Pro-Life campaigners to stay away.
Precious Life had planned a demonstration with graphic images of abortion this lunchtime but it's been cancelled for "legal reasons".
The action was over the UK Government's decision to pay for abortions in England for women from Northern Ireland.
Precious Life Director, Bernadette Symth told Q Radio News: "what we want to do is to ensure that women are informed of the effects of abortion and we also want to guide and direct them to crisis pregnancy care in Northern Ireland that's available to help them through that crisis because abortion is not the way forward."
In a statement, the airport said: "Belfast International Airport is private property. We were neither asked for permission nor consulted by this group."
Adding, "We are not prepared to see the airport used for a publicity-seeking protest with highly graphic and upsetting images that could cause offence and hurt to some of our passengers. We would ask the group to stay away from the airport and to avoid causing unnecessary disruption to passengers."