by PA Media and Q Radio News
Stormont health minister Robin Swann has announced a public inquiry into concerns around the clinical practice of consultant urologist Aidan O’Brien.
The consultant from the Southern Health Trust retired earlier this year.
The trust notified the Department of Health of concerns in July.
Mr Swann told the Assembly that, to date, 1,159 patients’ records have initially been reviewed and 271 patients or families have been contacted by the trust.
“So far, nine cases have been identified that meet the threshold for a serious adverse incident (SAI) review and all nine patients and/or their families have been contacted by the trust to inform them of the position in relation to their respective cases,” he said.
“A further six cases are currently being reviewed in more detail to establish if those patients have come to harm.”
He added: “This emerging situation within the Southern Trust causes me and my department the gravest of concerns. While I remain convinced that the experience of patients who use our health services is overwhelmingly that of a safe and quality service, these incidents regrettably dent the confidence of service users.
“I fully acknowledge this and I will do all that I can to ensure that lessons are learnt, to prevent situations such as these occurring again.”
Meanwhile, The Southern Trust has welcomed the Health Minister's announcement.
Chief Executive, Mr Shane Devlin said: “The Minister’s statement demonstrates the high level of concern in relation to this issue which we share and are working hard to address. We have been working closely with the Department to date and we will be fully co-operating with the Inquiry process.
"To date 1159 patients’ records have been initially reviewed.
"As a result 262 patients have been contacted along with additional 9 patients / families whose care is subject to independent Serious Adverse Incident reviews.
"Our staff have been working diligently to quickly identify patients whose care may be a cause for concern and we will continue to focus our efforts on doing our best for all our patients.
“Our Urology team based in Craigavon Area Hospital provide care for thousands of patients each year and the current review is focused on a small proportion of these cases. We have full confidence in our team and in the care they provide.
“I know that this maybe very worrying for patients and families who have received care within our Urology service and for that I sincerely apologise for the distress and concern this news will cause.
“We have already been in touch with patients/families who we have identified through our urgent review of cases, and invited those who we have clinical concerns about to come for a review appointment so we can be assured that their treatment is appropriate. We have been running extra clinics, and have also arranged for patients to have their care reviewed in the Independent Sector.
“As we continue to review patient notes, it is likely that further patients will be contacted and invited to have their care assessed."
Q Radio news is keen to speak to patients who may be affected by the urology public inquiry announced by the Health Minister today, relating to serious concerns about the clinical practice of urologist Dr Aidan O'Brien.
If you were a patient of Dr O'Brien's or have been recalled as part of the probe and want to voice your concerns please email: news@goqradio.com.