by Q Radio News
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Forest Service has launched a public consultation about its plans for the Sperrins.
Forest Service regularly reviews its plans so that they are up to date and continue to meet the diverse needs of people, wildlife and industry.
It has changed its approach so that forest users, forest owners and industry can become involved at the stage when issues are being identified and the scope of the plans decided.
The management plan for Sperrin forests was last reviewed in 2012.
The consultation paper reviews achievements under the current plan and, under each of 11 scoping topics, identifies opportunities where forest plans could be changed so as to make a difference to stakeholders, and suggests how this might be done.
Members of the public are now being invited to express views and opinions about any of the topic areas presented in the scoping document, and advise the Forestry Planning team of any specific interests or concerns.
The scoping topic areas cover forestry effects on landscapes, rivers and lakes; the enjoyment of forests by people; new forests, sustainable forests and supplying sustainable wood products; and conservation of forestry lands.
Individuals and organisations are also invited to share any information that may be relevant to forestry planning.
The consultation runs until 16th February 2018.
Click here to download the scoping document: https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/publications/scoping-new-forestry-plan-sperrin-forests-and-woodland
Or to respond to the scoping document click: https://consultations.nidirect.gov.uk/daera-forest-service/scoping-a-new-forestry-plan-for-sperrin