The Community Halls Improvement Scheme will enable organisations to make improvements to their premises.
The scheme is worth half a million pounds.
Ulster Unionist Assembly Member for Mid Ulster, Sandra Overend, has welcomed the announcement.
She's urging groups to apply for funding in advance of the deadline which is the 23rd of November.
Mrs Overend says community groups are often the heartbeat of our towns and villages, providing essential services and opportunities where government cannot reach, and community halls are a hub for these activities.
“I am pleased that Department for Communities funding has been made available for minor works to community halls, many of which are well established, but may have fallen into disrepair in recent years, as grants to community organisations have become harder to come by," she explains.
"Priority is to be given to halls where there has been limited previous investment by central government, local councils or Lottery funds; which are currently restricted in their use or under-utilised because of disrepair; have been subject to recent criminal damage or result of anti-social behaviour; and which are located in areas where access to similar services is limited," she says.
The full criteria is available online at https://consultations.nidirect.gov.uk/dfc/fa1dc104.