By Hannah Spratt
The following schools are closed today, 19th January 2018.
Western Region Schools
Killen Primary School, 76 Learmore Road, BT81 7SD
Cumber Claudy Primary School, 20 Cregg Road, BT47 4HX
Tattygar Primary School, Lisbellaw, BT94 5GF
St Mary's Primary School And Nursery Killyclogher, 122 Old Mountfield Road Killyclogher, BT79 7LT
Gaelscoil na gCrann, Ballinamullan, Omagh, BT79 0GZ
Arvalee School and Resource Centre, Strule Campus, Gortin Road, Omagh, BT79 7DH
Rossmar School, 2 Ballyquin Road, BT49 9ET
North Eastern Region Schools
Straidbilly Primary School, 85 Carnbore Road, BT53 8EE
Knockahollet Primary School, 79 Knockahollet Road, BT44 9BA
Damhead Primary School, 34 Damhead Road, BT52 1UF
Castleroe Primary School, 120 Castleroe Road, BT51 3RN
Macosquin Primary School, 34 Dunderg Road, BT51 4ND
St Olcan's Primary School, 202 Glenshesk Road, BT53 8RJ
Ballyhackett Primary School, 50 Altikeeragh Road, BT51 4SR
St Columba's Primary School Kilrea, 3 Agivey Road, BT51 5UT
St Patrick's and St Brigid's Primary School, 19 Moyle Road, BT54 6AN
Gaelscoil an Chaistil, 5 Bothar na hAithe, BT54 6QQ
Ballycastle High School, 33 Rathlin Road, BT54 6LD
Coleraine College, Carthall Road, BT51 3LR
Cross and Passion College, 10 Moyle Road, BT54 6LA
Sandelford Special School, 8 Rugby Avenue, BT52 1JE