by Gillian McDade
The Fire Service has posted shocking images online to highlight some of the incidents they’ve dealt with over the years.
One collision has been singled out, due to the extremely difficult circumstances that the crews faced.
The incident in 2013 involved a collision between a van and a lorry on the Altagoan Bridge just outside Draperstown. It left the van balancing over the side of the bridge with several men inside.
Crews from Magherafelt and Maghera were mobilised.
On arrival, crews found the impact of the collision had left the van in a precarious situation.
The van ended up hanging over the side of the bridge, ready to fall into the Altagoan river some 30 feet below.
Furthermore, the Fire Service says the lorry was still running while stuck at full revs.
Diesel fumes began to affect both men who were trapped in the van. One man was trapped in the lorry.
A sterling effort saw firefighters isolate the fuel lines underneath the lorry to eliminate the risk of fire and fumes.
Another team of firefighers were able to stabilise the van and prevent it from falling over the edge.
Specialist water and rope rescue teams carried out searches of the area to make sure that no one was in the river.
All the men were safely rescued and taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital for treatment.
The scene was immediately evacuated until structural engineers could assess the bridge.
Both Magherafelt and Maghera crews were awarded The Chief Fire Officers Commendation award.
This is the highest award and acknowledges the skill and professionalism demonstrated.