By Q Radio News
Northern Ireland's Deputy First Minister has accused Robin Swann of failing to consult with the Executive before requesting help from the British Army to deal with the Covid-19 crisis.
Michelle O'Neill insists her party will not rule out any measures necessary to save lives here.
However she says all options must be exhausted including the use of other blue light public services and civilian contractors before calling in troops.
The vice president of Sinn Fein was responding to reports that the Stormont's health minister has asked for assistance with distributing life-saving equipment and in planning a Nightingale hospital at the former Maze Prison site.
Mr Swann told the BBC his number one priority was to save lives and protect those of the staff on the front line, and the time had now come for the Ministry of Defence to help with that.
“I believe the Army’s skills and logistical expertise could assist with the redistribution of essential life-saving equipment across Northern Ireland to ensure that all hospitals have the materials and resources required to fully enact their surge plans," he said.
Mr Swann expressed hope that the decision to ask the Army for help will not be "considered divisive".
"I have said a number of times over recent weeks that at the end of this pandemic there will be only one thing that divides us – and that is those of us that are still alive and those that have sadly passed away," he added.
But Mrs O'Neill accused the health minister of acting "unilaterally" and is seeking urgent meetings with British Secretary of State, the Tanáiste and the PSNI.
“I have been informed that the Minister for Health Robin Swann has unilaterally and without consultation with Executive colleagues requested limited assistance from the British Army," she said.
“Sinn Féin has made it clear we will not rule out any measure necessary to save lives, protect the public and tackle the spread of Coronavirus.
“However, no proposal to use British military personnel in the north for roles normally performed by civilians has come before the Executive.
“I have raised the sensitivities of British military intervention directly with the British Secretary of State Brandon Lewis.
“The health minister has a responsibility to exhaust all options, including the use of other blue light public services and civilian contractors, to ensure that ventilators and life saving equipment are moved swiftly to where they are needed most.
“The Department for Health has already contracted a local civilian contractor to scope out building a HSC-led civilian 'field hospital’.
“It remains Sinn Féin’s position that any proposed new Nightingale hospital should remain under the care and control of the HSC.
“Sinn Féin is seeking an urgent meeting with the health minister, on his failure to consult ministerial colleagues at yesterday’s Executive meeting.
“We will also be seeking meetings with the British Secretary of State, the Tanáiste and the PSNI given the seriousness of a decision to bring in the British military.”