St Brigid’s Primary in Mayogall, is the first school to visit the new Seamus Heaney HomePlace in Bellaghy.
Students joined visiting pupils from China for their day out.
The pupils came from Nan Xiaobu Primary School in Hangzhou, Zeijing Province.
They were on a week-long visit to St Brigid’s as part of an exchange.
Initially contact between the schools was set up as part of the Confucius Institute programme led by Ulster University.
The programme promotes the teaching of Chinese language and culture.
The pupils enjoyed a guided tour of the exhibition area and had the opportunity to view the various books from Seamus Heaney’s personal collection.
Mary O’Kane, Principal at St. Brigid’s Mayogall says all the children got involved and were really enthusiastic to learn about the life of the Nobel Laureate, his writing and poetry.
“They shared what they had learnt with their Chinese friends and took part in various games including creative art and wordplay,” she adds.
“The building is amazing and the tour inspirational; it truly captures the life, the work and the spirit of Seamus Heaney,” she adds.
For more information and to book for the exhibition and upcoming events visit www.seamusheaneyhome.com or contact the Box Office on 028 7938 7444.