by Q Radio News
A new survey by the Belfast Chamber has revealed only 5% of office workers in Belfast city centre have returned to work full time.
Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, official health advice has been that people who can work from home should do so.
Belfast chamber represents over 500 organisations in the city.
It says 35% of office based workers are still working from home all of the time, while the remainder are split between the office and home.
40% of businesses don't anticipate a full return to the office until the end of 2020 with almost a quarter reporting that it'll be early 2021.
The delayed return is due to concerns about staff safety, current executive guidance and childcare.
The survey also showed just short of 30% of businesses have experienced more than a 50% decrease in turnover since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, with 35% of companies fearing a worse than 40% drop in sales over the next 6 months.
50% of companies added that footfall has more than halved.
The Chief Executive of the Chamber says this survey has revealed real worries for the future of many businesses based in the city centre.
Simon Hamilton said, “Our survey has once again revealed the serious and sustained impact that the coronavirus pandemic has had – and continues to have – on the Belfast economy.
"It is positive that after seeing so much the city’s economy shutdown back in March, that only 4% of businesses remain closed but it is clear from these results that those who have reopened have done so in a very different environment than before COVID-19 struck.
"Half of our members report that their footfall has more than halved and that is having a knock-on effect on turnover with nearly a third of respondents saying that sales have decreased by more than 50%.
"A contributing factor to the drop in footfall is the absence of many office based workers with our survey showing that only 6% of office staff have returned to their desks full time and 2/3 of members saying that they don’t anticipate a complete return of staff to their offices until the end of this year or even into early 2021. "
(Simon Hamilton, Chief Executive of Belfast Chamber)
Mr Hamilton added, "A prolonged drop in footfall will present major problems for many businesses in Belfast especially those in retail, hospitality and leisure and it is fair to say that these results represent a cause for genuine concern for the future of many businesses, jobs and the city centre itself.
"Obviously, each individual business will need to decide on will need to decide when it is appropriate for their staff to come back into their offices.
"The safety of staff is of paramount importance and this is reflected in the responses of many members to our survey.
"The Executive’s current guidance on the matter is also cited as one of the biggest barriers to a return to the office.
"I have spoken with many members who have staff that want to return to the office for a whole host of reasons, whilst others who have a customer or client facing aspect to their work are keen to get back. But they have stated clearly to me that the Executive’s guidance which remains at step 1 on their pathway to recovery.
"We would encourage the Executive to move to step 3 on its pathway and permit a phased return to the office where this is safe and has been subject to the necessary risk assessments."
Mr Hamilton has also suggested the Stormont executive establishes a High Streets Task Force to consider how it can continue to support businesses in Northern Ireland.
Meanwhile, Retail NI Chief Executive Glyn Roberts said, "It is absolutely vital that the Executive now works with business on a strategy for the safe return of office workers to their place of work.
"This is crucial, not just for Belfast, but for the economic future of all our major towns and cities in Northern Ireland”
“Office workers provide a large amount of footfall and trade for retail and hospitality sectors in many of our high streets. Given that both sectors are facing severe difficulties at the minute, the return of office workers is vitally important for their future viability”
“We also need the immediate establishment of the Executive High Streets Taskforce to co-ordinate this strategy and many other measures to deal with the emergency facing our town and city centres”