By David Hunter
Both the UK and Irish Governments will be involved in talks at Stormont later.
James Brokenshire and Charlie Flannagan will meet the main parties here as they aim to strike a deal to save devolution.
There's less than three weeks left to form a new executive following last week's 'snap' assembly election.
The DUP and Sinn Fein were again returned as the largest parties but have major differences to resolve.
Sinn Fein walked out of a meeting with the Secretary of State last night saying the UK Government was delivering nothing but "waffle, waffle, waffle" over legacy issues.
One of the main issues raised was the need for financial assistance to deal with inquests into deaths during the Troubles.
"We needed a fundamental change in approach from the British Government. We made that very clear to James Brokenshire today. All he did was waffle, waffle and more waffle in relation to how we are going to go forward and give families what they need, which is access to due process as per the request of the Lord Chief Justice," Said Sinn Fein Leader Michelle O'Neill.
She added: "We called the meeting to an end because we had more waffle. We called the meeting short and asked him to go and reflect on that."
Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams said that money for legacy inquests had been set aside, at the request of the Lord Chief Justice, as part of a previous Stormont agreement, know as the Fresh Start Agreement.
He added: "Some families have been waiting 45 years. This affects all victims regardless of who the perpetrators have been. They need to get those inquests underway. They have been delayed, stopped and prevented because the British refuse to give the funds.
DUP party leader Arlene Foster met with her MLAs for the first time since the election yesterday.
She said she was looking forward to going into the negotiations to "get a good deal, not just for unionism but for all the people of Northern Ireland".