Police teams in Magherafelt in conjunction with HM Revenue and Customs conducted a joint operation in which vehicles operating using illegal fuel were seized.
Eight vehicles seized - and more than four-thousand pounds handed it out in fines.
That's after police in Magherafelt conducted a joint operation with colleagues from Revenue and Customs.
The focus of the exercise was to clamp down on "motoring offences" and "vehicles operating on illegal fuel".
Officers say they also carried out an oustanding money warrant.
"Magherafelt Neighbourhood Policing Team with the assistance of some of our Local Policing Team colleagues conducted a joint operation with HM Revenue and Customs," a police statement on the op read.
"HMRC seized eight vehicles, detected using illegal fuel - seven of the vehicles were restored to owners and more than £4000 paid in fines," it went on.
"There were numerous detections made by police for motoring offences including driving with no licence and driving without insurance," it continued.
"Other matters addressed included the execution of an outstanding money warrant," it added.