by Q Radio News
Firefighters from across Northern Ireland could be training at a new centre in Cookstown by next Summer.
Phase one of the Tactical Firefighting Facility, which is costing £4.8 million, is progressing well and is on schedule for completion in March 2019.
Training will then be due to start in the following months.
In 2004, plans were initially announced for the site to be a joint college for police, fire and prison services.
However the project was scrapped due to ongoing delays and spiralling costs.
The new centre will be a 6 storey building, which will provide an environment for firefighters to train in 'real life' scenarios.
Phase one of the development also includes a building with welfare and classroom facilities and a new access road to the site.
Q Radio has been speaking to Michael Graham, Assistant Chief Fire and Rescue Service and NIFRS Project Lead, from the site.
He says the development is a milestone for the NIFRS:
During a visit to the Desertcreat site, Permanent Secretary of the Department of Health, Richard Pengelly said:
“I am delighted to see such significant progress in the development of the Learning & Development Centre for the Fire & Rescue Service.
"Phase 1 of the project - the Tactical Fire Fighting Facility - will provide Firefighters with a much needed up to date facility in which to train.
"I would like to thank all those who have worked together to bring this project to this stage and very much look forward to the completion of the entire facility.”
Design work on phase 2, which will deliver the remainder of the operational training requirements for NIFRS, is ongoing.
Facilities in the second phase will include a classroom based Learning & Development Centre, training warehouse, training scenario village, road traffic collision facilities and a flood water simulator.
It has a capital value of circa £40 million and an outline business case is currently being developed and will be submitted to the NIFRS Board and the Department of Health by the end of 2018.