By Rebecca Black, PA
Around 60 workers have refused to start their shifts at a food processing plant in Co Tyrone over safety concerns around coronavirus.
Unite the union said the workers at Linden Foods in Dungannon are demanding talks with management over infection control measures, claiming a "total absence of social distancing measures on boning line, in canteen and at entry and exit points".
Around 60 workers have walked out of a food plant in Dungannon this morning over fears surrounding social distancing. Companies have been ordered to ensure work places are taking appropriate steps to protect people from Covid-19 - or face being closed down. pic.twitter.com/MqKrg5gZFA
— Q Radio News (@qnewsdesk) March 27, 2020
Some photos supplied by workers inside Linden Foods yesterday - is this social isolating? How will this ensure Coronavirus #InfectionControl @StephenNolan @DungannonHerald @TyroneTimes @tyrone_con @MidUMail pic.twitter.com/o5WVwcTvUw
— Unite the Union NI (@UniteunionNI) March 27, 2020
Unite regional officer Brian Hewitt said the union will do "whatever it takes to support our members' fight for adequate coronavirus infection controls".
"There have been ongoing issues between management and workers at Linden Foods in Dungannon over the issue of the absence of social distancing for workers on the boning line, in the canteen, changing areas and at entry and exit points," he said.
"The company's management has provided no additional wash facilities and failed to stagger breaks.
"Workers have been reporting to Unite that those exhibiting symptoms are still allowed to work, as are those with family members who are self-isolating as result of being in the high-risk health category.
"Both inside and outside the company, Unite has been raising health and safety concerns over the last weeks and unfortunately these have been ignored by management.
"In desperation and fear for their health and well-being, this morning approximately 60 workers refused to enter the workplace and sought assurances from management that two metres spacing would be adopted throughout."
Earlier this week there were walk-outs at poultry firm Moy Park in Portadown and the ABP food group in Lurgan over similar concerns.
Linden Foods has been contacted for a response.