By Q Radio news
In an already complex and unpredictable world the Covid - 19 pandemic presents a new level of challenge for all of us.
Whether it be work, education or business the impact of the disease is being felt and will continue to be felt for some time.
It's not just young people that are affected - although it's estimated one in six people in the "lockdown generation" have stopped working since the onset of the pandemic.
What's clear is that the global impact on the job market is unprecedented.
With schools closed across Northern Ireland until late August -you may be a student uncertain about your future.
With thousands of jobs under threat - you may be furloughed from your work or perhaps even worse - made redundant.
(Christina Kelly, Deputy Head of the Department for the Economy's Careers Service)
The Department for the Economy at Stormont is reaching out to all of us as we tip toe through these uncertain times.
Q Radio in conjunction with the Department's Christina Kelly, wants to help people reach decisions and conclusions about their future by offering the very best advice possible - no matter what the circumstances.
We hope Christina's page will help you.
Please read on and hopefully you will find the answers you need in the Q & A audio session we've put together for you.
If this has been helpful please leave a comment at the bottom of this page or indeed suggestions as to how we can improve our content.
1 – What does the Careers Service do? / Who do they help?
2 – With many people at home on furlough they may be thinking about developing their skills and qualifications. Where can people get advice about online training courses?
3 – What help can people get from the Careers Service if their furlough turns into a redundancy?
4 – People, and young people in particular, are really worried about their future right now. What advice would you give them?
5 – I’ve heard that so many young people are worried about going to university with the current pandemic, what advice would you give?
6 – What about apprenticeships, are they still an option?
7 – For anyone whose job or careers plans have been affected by the current crisis, what should they do