by Gráinne Connolly
A £280,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme on Bridge Street, Castle Street, Mill Avenue and Woodhouse Street Portadown will start on Monday 5 March 2018.
A spokesperson for the Department for Infrastructure has said:
"The scheme has been part funded by Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council to compliment the recently completed Portadown linkages project. It will deliver significant improvements to both the structural integrity and surface of the roads.
"Work is expected to be completed by Monday 26 March 2018.
"A road closure will be in effect from 7.00 pm to 6.00 am (overnight only) to minimise traffic disruption within the town centre with local access maintained during the improvements."
The following road diversions will be in place:
- Traffic travelling from Gilford Road is diverted via Killycomain Road, Upper Church Lane, Lurgan Road, Bridge Street, Joseph Street, Northway, Brownstown Road, Armagh Road and Church Street.
- Traffic travelling from Armagh Road is diverted via Church Street, Mandeville Street, Northway, Joseph Street and Bridge Street.
- Traffic travelling from Garvaghy Road is diverted via Park Road, Obins Street, Corcrain Road, Northway and Joseph Street.
All diversion routes will be signposted.
The Department has programmed the works operations and traffic management arrangements to minimise any inconvenience, however, drivers should expect some delays and are advised to leave additional time when travelling in the area.
The above work is subject to favourable weather conditions and the Department will keep the public informed of any change.