Childline in Ireland says it received 1040 contacts from children on Christmas Day
On Christmas day 2016, ISPCC Childline received 1040 contacts from children across Ireland. Children talked to Childline through its free phone, web chat and ‘live’ text services. A team of 61 volunteers gave up their own Christmas and freely offered support to hundreds of children who needed to talk to someone.
While some children contacted Childline to say ‘thank you’ for its support throughout the year, other children talked about difficulties they were having during the day. Some have experienced the loss of a family member or family break-up earlier in the year which can make Christmas a particularly sad time for them.
There were also a number of contacts from children experiencing family difficulties, loneliness and mental health issues. The impact of alcohol abuse in the home over the Christmas was also evident in the calls on Christmas day.
ISPCC Chief Executive Grainia Long stated: “Christmas should mean safety, warmth and happiness, but for many children that call our Childline service, this isn’t the reality.
“Some children who contacted Childline on Christmas day are experiencing loneliness, loss and domestic violence over this festive period which makes what should be a happy time very difficult for them but thanks to our dedicated volunteers, Childline is here to listen and support them.
“We would like to thank sincerely our volunteers for giving up their Christmas day in order to listen to these children. Childline is here for children every day of the year and we couldn’t provide this essential service without the support of our dedicated, committed and highly-trained volunteers.”
The ISPCC wishes to thank members of the public without whose support the ISPCC and Childline would simply not be in a position to continue to provide its range of services, including this vital service on Christmas day.
The ISPCC wishes to acknowledge the fantastic work, commitment and dedication of all ISPCC volunteers who have worked tirelessly and determinedly throughout the year to bring about positive change in children and young people’s lives.