Deliveries are ahead of construction of a wind farm close to Loughgiel
The nine-turbine wind farm at Altaveedan is expected to produce enough annual energy for around 12,000 homes. With the turbines reaching over 100m in height, the loads will be transported on specially designed heavy goods vehicles.
Its expected that there will be one convoy of the vehicles per each day Mon-Fri, with the convoys including a police escort.
Travelling on the A26 from Larne harbour, through Ballymena, towards Ballymoney. The first parts are then expected to arrive on-site near Loughgiel on Wednesday.
Every effort is being made to minimalise the disruption to traffic. The manufacturers also hope to have the deliveries completed by December.
Depending on the status of road works at the A26/A44 Junction the deliveries may need to be diverted continuing along the A26 turning right onto the Kilraughts Road(B16) and then reconnecting with the A44.
Full details of the transport schedul and route can be found here.