By Michelle Devane, Press Association
A man in his forties has been arrested after cannabis and cocaine worth £100,000 was seized in Newtownards, Co Down.
The PSNI said a large quantity of illegal drugs was seized from business premises in the Newtownards area on Monday afternoon.
The criminality is believed to be linked to the South East Antrim UDA, the PSNI said.
Detective Inspector Lynne Knox said: "Following a proactive policing operation targeting drugs criminality believed to be linked to the South East Antrim UDA, officers carried out a number of searches resulting in the seizure of a large quantity of suspected herbal cannabis and cocaine.
"A quantity of mixing agent was also seized and if mixed with cocaine, the overall seizure has a potential street value of £100,000.
"One man aged in his forties was arrested on suspicion of possession of class A and class B drugs and possession of class A and class B drugs with intent to supply.
"The man was also arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the production and supply of class A drugs.
"He was released on police bail pending further inquiries."
Ms Knox said the harm caused by drug misuse impacts people's lives at every level in Northern Ireland.
"It includes crime committed to fuel drug dependence; organised criminality, the violence and exploitation that goes hand in hand with production and supply; paramilitary-style attacks and the irreparable damage and loss to the families and individuals whose lives it destroys," she said.