By Bob Huggins
The new £55 million A26 Frosses dual-carriageway from Glarryford cross roads to the Drones Road turn off was officially opened this morning.
However as there is no Infrastructure Minister in place at Stormont the opening task was performed by the department's Divisional Roads Manager, Deirdre Mackle .
Deirdre Mackle, Divisonal Roads, Manager,
Department of Infrastructure
The new road stretches for 8 kilometres and is used by 18,000 motorists daily.
It includes a new roundabout at the Drones Road and three flyover junctions.
A number of dignitaries attended the opening at Cloughmills Community Centre including
the MP for the area Ian Paisley and the Chairperson of Causeway Coast & Glens Council, Joan
North Antrim MP Ian Paisley
The Chairperson of Causeway Coast and Glen council,
Joan Baird.